




Process - Iteration 2



The Institute of Design has taught me to use a more subtly gradated set of prototyping tools. Rather than moving to plywood for a usability study, I will first use less expensive and time-consuming media to asses the design's aesthetic and functional performance.
This model and the three that led up to it helped me develop a shape that tesselates in 3 dimensions.

Google's SketchUp

3-d computer modelling is another fast way to get a sense of what a product will look like.





While flat pictures aren't as convincing as foam models, elements can be copied and evaluated as a system much more easily than with any physical medium.




Though I had recognized the need for an additional part in early drawings, building this bookcase in the 3-d software greatly aided in visiaulizing the t-intersect pieces.


This concise layout demonstrates all the pieces and basic intersections of the system.



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