ID Portofolio:

While the economic growth of the 20th century has raised the standards of living of many people, much of the world still lives in poverty. As part of the 19-20-21 initiative my teammates Amanda Geppert, Apeksha Garga, Cornelia Bailey, and I developed a framework for bringing greater opportunities within reach of the 'poor core' of modern cities.

The heart of the solution lies in gathering information from currently disparate international and local aid efforts and making them available and actionable for local government and business.

The solution is designed as a platform which will entice more groups to contribute new data in order to gain access to the data they need. As more users fill in the gaps in existing measurements of credit, business competencies, resource availability, and other economic factors, the tool will give slum dwellers the information necessary to see their work backed up with support from large institutions.

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